Post by horsecrazylady on Feb 2, 2009 21:57:11 GMT -5
Ok, I just got an email from my friend Mari that lives in the county where this happened. Here are her emails.
I recently joined up with a new group which was started as a result of this horrible animal abuse case here in my own county. I am enclosing a link with the original article in Rocky Mountain Rider magazine (published locally in Hamilton) which also has updates. The photos are pretty graphic...
I am also going to send you two forwards from Teresa Manzella who is one of the founders of the organization, Willing Servants - she attended the trial and this is her perspective.
The two men were found guilty, and of course they are appealing it.
Interestingly enough the vet (so-called) who testified FOR these scum bags was ALSO the vet who encouraged the woman to cover up the Strangles epidemic in her barn when my Andy almost died. I think this vet ought to be taken to task as well and am trying to figure out whether it is worth my time to try to have his license revoked or whether his actions most recently will take their toll. The feelings in this valley right now are to take him out and hang him by his toenails and let the buzzards pick at him, so maybe my input wouldn't be necessary. Of course the guys who caused all this distress are first in line - I think they ought to be staked out on an ant hill and covered with honey myself...maybe even some bacon bits for the hungry coyotes too.
Here's the link:
Hello Willing Servants!
Although I started the day a little bit nervous and apprehensive…I ended the day in court feeling pretty confident and positive about the final outcome. I’ll share a few quick highlights. And these won’t be exact quotes as I’m just going real quick from memory.
First off…there were over 40 people there to show their support of Dawn, Q, Able, Diamond, Casino and Magic. WAhhhooooooo! Way to go horse lovers! The court room only held 14…so we went in by order in which we showed up…those getting there the earliest got in first. And then they did have an overflow room for us that people could watch it on TV…and we overflowed that too. Our Treasurer, Kim Dornan and Secretary, Sharon Wyche were the very first ones there, but they gave up their seats for others…and they attended to other WS business during the day….delivering T shirts and photo journaling the adoption of DANDY and TRAVELER! Yeaaaaa…it was a good day all around.
The trail did not get started until 11am and the first hour was spent giving the jurors instructions and then the attorneys gave their opening statements. As far as I was concerned, they we’re guilty after hearing just the opening remarks…but I suppose they would squeal that wouldn’t be fair so we’ll be there for two more days.. Attorney Bell did a good job of giving a thumbnail sketch of the whole story in his opening remarks. I watched the juror’s faces and I must say they were all pretty stoic with only an occasional slip of an expression.
And then their attorney gave his opening statements….and it sounds like their whole case is resting on the EXPERT testimony of Dr thingy Richardson. Who, according to their attorney, has said that Able was not emaciated when he was brought in, but fit and thin…and a thin horse is far healthier than a fat horse. And Able should be likened to a Model…we like our women skinny and that’s the shape Able was in….Model thin. I can’t be positive…but I’m pretty sure I saw disgust on Judge Bailey’s face.
It’s worth mentioning that every objection their attorney made was overruled. Every one…the whole day.
Dawn was the first witness and did a fantastic job of keeping it together and painting a picture that the jurors could vividly see in their minds eye. And when Attorney Bell asked Dawn “Would you compare Able’s condition to a Model?” Did he look like a Model horse to you when you first saw him…She said “No…he looked like a dead horse.” Dawn was probably on the witness stand longer than anyone else as she had to give the overview of the whole story.
We learned that the Heydons called Able…Bay Baby. Personally I like “Able” better.
Then Q was up after lunch. She did very well also! She said she was nervous, but you would never know it from watching and listening to her. He story was in perfect harmony with Dawns…so the jurors got to hear the same story twice.
Then Mike S. took his turn on the stand. Mike has a pretty impressive resume with horses and ranching and he combined just the right amount of emotion with some powerful statements….Like “I’ve never seen a horse in that poor a condition.” “I sent Dawn on ahead to get more help, because I thought I was going to have to put him down and I didn’t want her to have to see it.” He made very sure that the jury knew that they had given Able butte 4 times…more than any other horse in his history…to get him off the mountain and BEFORE he went to Blue Mountain vet clinic. So what Dr thingy saw the first time was a horse on a lot of butte with his pain masked and managed. He was great and gave powerful testimony!
Then we heard from a Brand Inspector who informed us that the Heydons did not have the proper travel papers. They did have coggins tests on the horses…but not health certificates and they were cited for that. Not looking good for them.
Then we heard Deputy Pease (?sp) I honestly can’t remember any particular point he made…but he helped Dawn and Q relax in the Witness room…so he’s worth his weight in gold!
Then we had Deputy McGoldrick…(again ? on sp) God Bless Him…he was the Deputy who confronted the Heydons at the storage units where they had the make shift paddocks set up…and he taped his and Deputy Moles whole 25 minute conversation with the Heydons….and we got to listen to the whole thing in court today and it was admissible as evidence. We got to hear Old Man Heydon say on the recording …”There is nothing wrong with those horses!” “I’ll get a horseman with some authority to tell you there isn’t anything wrong with those horses.” “That horse is not going to stay at a vet’s office, needlessly for $50. a day! No sir …I won’t stand for it!” “Let me tell you something about that horse…He’s stubborn and lazy! He went down on us 5 times during this trip!” And Deputy McGoldrick did the right thing in calling Deputy Moles to the scene as Deputy Moles owns horses and he, upon his arrival to the scene… SET THEM STRAIGHT! And it was all on tape! We probably all need to write a thank you letter to him…because you all would have been proud of him! He said “I have horses that I pack into the back country for 6moths at a time and I’ve never had a horse look like this!” And he said “I’m impounding the horses because it is OBVIOUS that you do not have the necessary knowledge to provide adequate care for the horses.” There was lots more…but you get the gist.
He’ll be first on the witness stand tomorrow. I can’t wait to shake his hand and say “thank you.”
Keep sending up prayers….and I’ll keep you posted on the progress…but it’s looking good so far!
Comments on a couple of things - first of all, Dr. Cross who was cross-examined is the vet who saved my Andy's life after Dr. Richardson's cover up of the Strangles problem. Also, about 5 years ago, "Dr." Richardson was involved in a vehicle accident in which someone I knew was killed. 2 years AFTER the accident, "Dr. thingy" filed suit against the estate of the man who was killed, claiming physical and emotional distress. What a crud!
----- Original Message -----
From: Theresa Manzella
To: Theresa Manzella
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 10:34 PM
Subject: More Updates on Trial
Good Evening Willing Servants!
It was another good day for the home team! We heard a TON of excellent testimony from several people. Sooooooo these are the highlights from the 14 pages of notes I took….
First was Shawn Shitell (? on spelling…I’m hooked on fonics) He worked on the FS trail crew. And reported to his boss that the Heydons horses were in poor condition and they were “ill prepared” for their wilderness adventure. He testifies that there is very little forage at that elevation for horses but “if horses are hungry, they’ll eat anything.” Elder Heydon reported to him that “the horses had taken a tumble a ways down the trail.” Hhhhuuummm…I wonder what happened. If the horses could only talk…
Then we hear from Deputy Moles. He was FANTASTIC! He did not give an inch on cross examination…not even a little bit. He’s been in law enforcement for 7 years. Spent 8 yrs on a hunting ranch and has always owned horses and spent 3 yrs packing. He said the horse sores were from ill fitting equipment and not enough padding. He testified that their feet were so sore that none of them wanted to take a step. The hooves had been trimmed improperly and the shoes had just been haphazardly nailed on without proper fitting. He said that “they didn’t just get that way overnight…but it was from day after day after day after day of continuous use and he said to use a horse in this manner was TORTURE! He said it was a “total disregard for the health and welfare of an animal and that they were definitely abused.” He could not have been any clearer when he testified: “They should have left their equipment in the woods….walked the horses out…and taken them immediately to a vet. He also said” they’ll eat their own dung sometimes before they’ll eat bear grass”. He said it was a gross deviation of appropriate care for the horses. And on cross examination he was able to report to Haydons attorney that he has packed 100’s of horse into the wilderness. He did not cut them one inch of slack. He is our hero and he deservers out thanks and our respect. He demonstrated himself as a knowledgeable horseman today! And you would all be proud of him.
Next we had Dr Andy Cross testify. He evaluated 1 horse, Diamond, on Aug 4th. Reading straight from his report he said the horse was “literally skin and bones.” “He was 150 -200 # underweight.” “He had pressure sores on his withers and a second sore at the base of his spine or the back of a saddle.” “He had a veracious appetite for green grass.” “He asked the Heydons how long it had been since the horse had worn a saddle to which they answered “30 days.” Interestingly, it was a friend of Dr Cross’s who referred the Heydons to Dr cross in the first place when he ran into them at the trail head …and he reported to Dr Cross that the horse was saddled at that time…less than 48 hours prior. Huuummm…caught in another lie. Dr Cross agreed that the horses had been neglected and not received proper nutrition.
Then came Dr Gleason’s testimony. I’m proud to say THAT’S MY VET! Another hero for the home team! Ha gave a lot of powerful testimony but some of the highlights were…Q. “Dr Gleason…did you work any miracles for these horses?” To which he responded…”No, not really. I gave them pretty basic care and I made sure they were fed and watered.” Yeiks! Can it really be so easy? You mean you just need to feed and water a horse to keep it healthy?! And then when he was asked if he felt the horses care was a gross deviation from care necessary to sustain a horse comfortably…blah…blah…blah…some fancy words that are used in the statue….Dr Gleason said “If there is something stronger than a gross deviation…that would be my choice.” It was great…and it was powerful…and he didn’t mince words.
Then Bill Goslin testified. He works for the FS. He had interaction with the Heydon on 2 occasions and multiple phone calls with them. He saw the condition of their stock. He tried to educate them about proper packing techniques. I don’t know…I wasn’t there…but it really seems to me that the FS Rangers should be required to enforce proper care and humane treatment of the animals in the back country. Seems to me like a ball was seriously dropped here. Opportunity presented itself…but was not taken.
Then we heard Char Springer from the BRHA give a short testimony about the condition of the horse when they were checked in. A repeat of earlier info….Very sore feet, rub and raw places from ill fitting equipment, ulcers in eyes. Body scale 1.5. She was asked if the Heydons had ever offered to help with the costs associated with keeping and re habing the horses. The answer was “No.”
Then we heard from Dr Brophy who was an impartial vet who had not actually treated the horses but evaluated the case based on the pictures and records from the different vets that had directly examined the horses. He said “I’ve never saw that much injury AND debilitation in one group of horses.” He said “absolutely the horse were malnourished.” He said it was a “Gross Deviation…blah, blah...” He said the blood work indicated that Able was suffering from “Severe tissue damage” He said he was available to treat animals in the wilderness and that he has done it quite a bit of it in the past. He said “The poor condition was caused from over work and malnutrition.
The prosecution rested at 3 pm.
AND THEN CAME THE TESTIMONY DR. thingy RICHARDSON. I guess I’ll need to apologize to any of you who use him for a vet…but my gracious sakes alive….thingy Richardson should run for some office…because the only other time I’ve ever heard more double speak is when it’s coming out of the mouth of a politician! That man was something to watch and listen too! One minute he was ripping Dawn Merrill to shreds for bringing the horse to him on a Sun night when “all she was concerned with was punishing those terrible men and they would never get there horse back” and “she wanted to keep the horse” an the next minute he’s saying what a wonderful job she did in taking care of the horse. His main interest on Sun night was “how the horse would be disposed of”. His words and I quote. He kept referring to the Horses…when all he ever saw was ONE horse…Able. He said he wasn’t that bad off…but yet he “Fed the horse himself because he didn’t trust his staff to feed him properly” he miss quoted Dr Cross and put words in his mouth that he simply didn’t say. He totally threw Dr Gleason and the BRHA under the bus claiming that the way they re introduced feed was to blame for ALL Ables problems. He said that the grass gains nutritional value the higher you go…when everyone else testified to the opposite. He was kind of forced to make some statements that ultimately helped us. “Most people who use their horses hard, shoe them.” “Most people who pack in to the back country anticipate needing extra shoes” “No good cowboy would want their horse to look like that”: Then he was asked if he was biased against the BRHA…and he said “no, definitely not.” Then Attorney Bell asked him if he remembered leaving him a message on his voice mail Aug 29th. It said “ Hi John, this is Dr thingy Richardson. These guys from GA don’t deserve felony charges. The Human Society people are worked up into frenzy and they need to have their wings clipped.” Then when he was asked “Do you feel the defendants cared for Able in an appropriate manner?” He said “I don’t have enough information to make that determination. But then Atny Bell read him his very own quote from a newspaper article published in the Missoulian back in Aug which stated something to the effect “ I don’t think the horse is terminal and I think he will survive…but it is obvious that he suffers from over use and malnutrition.”
Yeiks and double yeiks! We were all kinda scratching our heads and going….What ??
Please forgive any spelling errors and grammar mistakes and I’m sorry if this is a bit hard to follow. My brain is racing and I just wanted to get as much info out to you as I could tonight!
We’re planning to meet tomorrow at 5:15pm at The Edge on the north end of Hamilton. If justice is served…and I think it will be…we’ll be doing a victory dance! I hope you can make it!
Good Night!
Theresa Manzella
I recently joined up with a new group which was started as a result of this horrible animal abuse case here in my own county. I am enclosing a link with the original article in Rocky Mountain Rider magazine (published locally in Hamilton) which also has updates. The photos are pretty graphic...
I am also going to send you two forwards from Teresa Manzella who is one of the founders of the organization, Willing Servants - she attended the trial and this is her perspective.
The two men were found guilty, and of course they are appealing it.
Interestingly enough the vet (so-called) who testified FOR these scum bags was ALSO the vet who encouraged the woman to cover up the Strangles epidemic in her barn when my Andy almost died. I think this vet ought to be taken to task as well and am trying to figure out whether it is worth my time to try to have his license revoked or whether his actions most recently will take their toll. The feelings in this valley right now are to take him out and hang him by his toenails and let the buzzards pick at him, so maybe my input wouldn't be necessary. Of course the guys who caused all this distress are first in line - I think they ought to be staked out on an ant hill and covered with honey myself...maybe even some bacon bits for the hungry coyotes too.
Here's the link:
Hello Willing Servants!
Although I started the day a little bit nervous and apprehensive…I ended the day in court feeling pretty confident and positive about the final outcome. I’ll share a few quick highlights. And these won’t be exact quotes as I’m just going real quick from memory.
First off…there were over 40 people there to show their support of Dawn, Q, Able, Diamond, Casino and Magic. WAhhhooooooo! Way to go horse lovers! The court room only held 14…so we went in by order in which we showed up…those getting there the earliest got in first. And then they did have an overflow room for us that people could watch it on TV…and we overflowed that too. Our Treasurer, Kim Dornan and Secretary, Sharon Wyche were the very first ones there, but they gave up their seats for others…and they attended to other WS business during the day….delivering T shirts and photo journaling the adoption of DANDY and TRAVELER! Yeaaaaa…it was a good day all around.
The trail did not get started until 11am and the first hour was spent giving the jurors instructions and then the attorneys gave their opening statements. As far as I was concerned, they we’re guilty after hearing just the opening remarks…but I suppose they would squeal that wouldn’t be fair so we’ll be there for two more days.. Attorney Bell did a good job of giving a thumbnail sketch of the whole story in his opening remarks. I watched the juror’s faces and I must say they were all pretty stoic with only an occasional slip of an expression.
And then their attorney gave his opening statements….and it sounds like their whole case is resting on the EXPERT testimony of Dr thingy Richardson. Who, according to their attorney, has said that Able was not emaciated when he was brought in, but fit and thin…and a thin horse is far healthier than a fat horse. And Able should be likened to a Model…we like our women skinny and that’s the shape Able was in….Model thin. I can’t be positive…but I’m pretty sure I saw disgust on Judge Bailey’s face.
It’s worth mentioning that every objection their attorney made was overruled. Every one…the whole day.
Dawn was the first witness and did a fantastic job of keeping it together and painting a picture that the jurors could vividly see in their minds eye. And when Attorney Bell asked Dawn “Would you compare Able’s condition to a Model?” Did he look like a Model horse to you when you first saw him…She said “No…he looked like a dead horse.” Dawn was probably on the witness stand longer than anyone else as she had to give the overview of the whole story.
We learned that the Heydons called Able…Bay Baby. Personally I like “Able” better.
Then Q was up after lunch. She did very well also! She said she was nervous, but you would never know it from watching and listening to her. He story was in perfect harmony with Dawns…so the jurors got to hear the same story twice.
Then Mike S. took his turn on the stand. Mike has a pretty impressive resume with horses and ranching and he combined just the right amount of emotion with some powerful statements….Like “I’ve never seen a horse in that poor a condition.” “I sent Dawn on ahead to get more help, because I thought I was going to have to put him down and I didn’t want her to have to see it.” He made very sure that the jury knew that they had given Able butte 4 times…more than any other horse in his history…to get him off the mountain and BEFORE he went to Blue Mountain vet clinic. So what Dr thingy saw the first time was a horse on a lot of butte with his pain masked and managed. He was great and gave powerful testimony!
Then we heard from a Brand Inspector who informed us that the Heydons did not have the proper travel papers. They did have coggins tests on the horses…but not health certificates and they were cited for that. Not looking good for them.
Then we heard Deputy Pease (?sp) I honestly can’t remember any particular point he made…but he helped Dawn and Q relax in the Witness room…so he’s worth his weight in gold!
Then we had Deputy McGoldrick…(again ? on sp) God Bless Him…he was the Deputy who confronted the Heydons at the storage units where they had the make shift paddocks set up…and he taped his and Deputy Moles whole 25 minute conversation with the Heydons….and we got to listen to the whole thing in court today and it was admissible as evidence. We got to hear Old Man Heydon say on the recording …”There is nothing wrong with those horses!” “I’ll get a horseman with some authority to tell you there isn’t anything wrong with those horses.” “That horse is not going to stay at a vet’s office, needlessly for $50. a day! No sir …I won’t stand for it!” “Let me tell you something about that horse…He’s stubborn and lazy! He went down on us 5 times during this trip!” And Deputy McGoldrick did the right thing in calling Deputy Moles to the scene as Deputy Moles owns horses and he, upon his arrival to the scene… SET THEM STRAIGHT! And it was all on tape! We probably all need to write a thank you letter to him…because you all would have been proud of him! He said “I have horses that I pack into the back country for 6moths at a time and I’ve never had a horse look like this!” And he said “I’m impounding the horses because it is OBVIOUS that you do not have the necessary knowledge to provide adequate care for the horses.” There was lots more…but you get the gist.
He’ll be first on the witness stand tomorrow. I can’t wait to shake his hand and say “thank you.”
Keep sending up prayers….and I’ll keep you posted on the progress…but it’s looking good so far!
Comments on a couple of things - first of all, Dr. Cross who was cross-examined is the vet who saved my Andy's life after Dr. Richardson's cover up of the Strangles problem. Also, about 5 years ago, "Dr." Richardson was involved in a vehicle accident in which someone I knew was killed. 2 years AFTER the accident, "Dr. thingy" filed suit against the estate of the man who was killed, claiming physical and emotional distress. What a crud!
----- Original Message -----
From: Theresa Manzella
To: Theresa Manzella
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2009 10:34 PM
Subject: More Updates on Trial
Good Evening Willing Servants!
It was another good day for the home team! We heard a TON of excellent testimony from several people. Sooooooo these are the highlights from the 14 pages of notes I took….
First was Shawn Shitell (? on spelling…I’m hooked on fonics) He worked on the FS trail crew. And reported to his boss that the Heydons horses were in poor condition and they were “ill prepared” for their wilderness adventure. He testifies that there is very little forage at that elevation for horses but “if horses are hungry, they’ll eat anything.” Elder Heydon reported to him that “the horses had taken a tumble a ways down the trail.” Hhhhuuummm…I wonder what happened. If the horses could only talk…
Then we hear from Deputy Moles. He was FANTASTIC! He did not give an inch on cross examination…not even a little bit. He’s been in law enforcement for 7 years. Spent 8 yrs on a hunting ranch and has always owned horses and spent 3 yrs packing. He said the horse sores were from ill fitting equipment and not enough padding. He testified that their feet were so sore that none of them wanted to take a step. The hooves had been trimmed improperly and the shoes had just been haphazardly nailed on without proper fitting. He said that “they didn’t just get that way overnight…but it was from day after day after day after day of continuous use and he said to use a horse in this manner was TORTURE! He said it was a “total disregard for the health and welfare of an animal and that they were definitely abused.” He could not have been any clearer when he testified: “They should have left their equipment in the woods….walked the horses out…and taken them immediately to a vet. He also said” they’ll eat their own dung sometimes before they’ll eat bear grass”. He said it was a gross deviation of appropriate care for the horses. And on cross examination he was able to report to Haydons attorney that he has packed 100’s of horse into the wilderness. He did not cut them one inch of slack. He is our hero and he deservers out thanks and our respect. He demonstrated himself as a knowledgeable horseman today! And you would all be proud of him.
Next we had Dr Andy Cross testify. He evaluated 1 horse, Diamond, on Aug 4th. Reading straight from his report he said the horse was “literally skin and bones.” “He was 150 -200 # underweight.” “He had pressure sores on his withers and a second sore at the base of his spine or the back of a saddle.” “He had a veracious appetite for green grass.” “He asked the Heydons how long it had been since the horse had worn a saddle to which they answered “30 days.” Interestingly, it was a friend of Dr Cross’s who referred the Heydons to Dr cross in the first place when he ran into them at the trail head …and he reported to Dr Cross that the horse was saddled at that time…less than 48 hours prior. Huuummm…caught in another lie. Dr Cross agreed that the horses had been neglected and not received proper nutrition.
Then came Dr Gleason’s testimony. I’m proud to say THAT’S MY VET! Another hero for the home team! Ha gave a lot of powerful testimony but some of the highlights were…Q. “Dr Gleason…did you work any miracles for these horses?” To which he responded…”No, not really. I gave them pretty basic care and I made sure they were fed and watered.” Yeiks! Can it really be so easy? You mean you just need to feed and water a horse to keep it healthy?! And then when he was asked if he felt the horses care was a gross deviation from care necessary to sustain a horse comfortably…blah…blah…blah…some fancy words that are used in the statue….Dr Gleason said “If there is something stronger than a gross deviation…that would be my choice.” It was great…and it was powerful…and he didn’t mince words.
Then Bill Goslin testified. He works for the FS. He had interaction with the Heydon on 2 occasions and multiple phone calls with them. He saw the condition of their stock. He tried to educate them about proper packing techniques. I don’t know…I wasn’t there…but it really seems to me that the FS Rangers should be required to enforce proper care and humane treatment of the animals in the back country. Seems to me like a ball was seriously dropped here. Opportunity presented itself…but was not taken.
Then we heard Char Springer from the BRHA give a short testimony about the condition of the horse when they were checked in. A repeat of earlier info….Very sore feet, rub and raw places from ill fitting equipment, ulcers in eyes. Body scale 1.5. She was asked if the Heydons had ever offered to help with the costs associated with keeping and re habing the horses. The answer was “No.”
Then we heard from Dr Brophy who was an impartial vet who had not actually treated the horses but evaluated the case based on the pictures and records from the different vets that had directly examined the horses. He said “I’ve never saw that much injury AND debilitation in one group of horses.” He said “absolutely the horse were malnourished.” He said it was a “Gross Deviation…blah, blah...” He said the blood work indicated that Able was suffering from “Severe tissue damage” He said he was available to treat animals in the wilderness and that he has done it quite a bit of it in the past. He said “The poor condition was caused from over work and malnutrition.
The prosecution rested at 3 pm.
AND THEN CAME THE TESTIMONY DR. thingy RICHARDSON. I guess I’ll need to apologize to any of you who use him for a vet…but my gracious sakes alive….thingy Richardson should run for some office…because the only other time I’ve ever heard more double speak is when it’s coming out of the mouth of a politician! That man was something to watch and listen too! One minute he was ripping Dawn Merrill to shreds for bringing the horse to him on a Sun night when “all she was concerned with was punishing those terrible men and they would never get there horse back” and “she wanted to keep the horse” an the next minute he’s saying what a wonderful job she did in taking care of the horse. His main interest on Sun night was “how the horse would be disposed of”. His words and I quote. He kept referring to the Horses…when all he ever saw was ONE horse…Able. He said he wasn’t that bad off…but yet he “Fed the horse himself because he didn’t trust his staff to feed him properly” he miss quoted Dr Cross and put words in his mouth that he simply didn’t say. He totally threw Dr Gleason and the BRHA under the bus claiming that the way they re introduced feed was to blame for ALL Ables problems. He said that the grass gains nutritional value the higher you go…when everyone else testified to the opposite. He was kind of forced to make some statements that ultimately helped us. “Most people who use their horses hard, shoe them.” “Most people who pack in to the back country anticipate needing extra shoes” “No good cowboy would want their horse to look like that”: Then he was asked if he was biased against the BRHA…and he said “no, definitely not.” Then Attorney Bell asked him if he remembered leaving him a message on his voice mail Aug 29th. It said “ Hi John, this is Dr thingy Richardson. These guys from GA don’t deserve felony charges. The Human Society people are worked up into frenzy and they need to have their wings clipped.” Then when he was asked “Do you feel the defendants cared for Able in an appropriate manner?” He said “I don’t have enough information to make that determination. But then Atny Bell read him his very own quote from a newspaper article published in the Missoulian back in Aug which stated something to the effect “ I don’t think the horse is terminal and I think he will survive…but it is obvious that he suffers from over use and malnutrition.”
Yeiks and double yeiks! We were all kinda scratching our heads and going….What ??
Please forgive any spelling errors and grammar mistakes and I’m sorry if this is a bit hard to follow. My brain is racing and I just wanted to get as much info out to you as I could tonight!
We’re planning to meet tomorrow at 5:15pm at The Edge on the north end of Hamilton. If justice is served…and I think it will be…we’ll be doing a victory dance! I hope you can make it!
Good Night!
Theresa Manzella